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Elevated Escapes: The most immersive getaways in the heart of the Alpilles

You feel tiny in the vast expanse of its 50,000 hectares of natural park. The limestone massif of the Alpilles, with its charming retreats nestled along rolling hills, is essential to the charm of Provence. Discover these rental homes that blend seamlessly into this rugged and wild landscape.

View on the house surrounded by nature from the outside

Elevated Escapes: the most immersive getaways in the heart of the Alpilles

A vacation home with a garden or terrace is nice, but when you add a panoramic view and several hectares of playground, it becomes exceptional! In the Alpilles massif, bastides, mas, and even townhouses offer guests a breathtaking spectacle. The majestic limestone backdrop often complements the stone facades of Weeks Off houses perfectly.

These properties offer a sense of weightlessness and an intense connection with the mineral landscape. Whether you’re perched on the mountainside at Étoile des Baux, splashing in the natural pool at Mas de Cinq Sous, or relaxing on the wisteria-covered terrace of Villa Poésie, you’re sure to enjoy a profound and immersive experience.

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